23–27 Sept 2019
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Dissipative dynamics of Inflation and the swampland models in gravity and supergravity

23 Sept 2019, 14:50
02.430 (Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University)


Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University

Staudingerweg 9 / 2nd floor, 55128 Mainz


Rudnei Ramos


Much has been discussed recently about the swampland and inflation. An effective field theory able to describe inflation for instance, should satisfy some very restrict set of conjectures, the swampland conjectures, such to have a consistent ultraviolet completion and to be described as an effective field theory, in particular, coming from string theory. It is shown here a recent construction of such an effective field theory from fully renormalizable quantum field theory that is able to describe inflation in a strong dissipative regime, evading all the swampland conjectures. This construction naturally leads to a super-Hubble inflaton mass and sub-Planckian field excursions, which is thus technically natural and consistent with a high-energy completion within a theory of quantum gravity.

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