Probing Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Precision
Monday 26 February 2018 (08:00)
Friday 9 March 2018 (18:00)
Monday 26 February 2018
Electroweak precision observables and EFTs
Matthias Schott
Uni. Mainz
Electroweak precision observables and EFTs
Matthias Schott
Uni. Mainz
14:00 - 15:00
Multiboson Interactions
Matthias Mozer
KIT Karlsruhe
Multiboson Interactions
Matthias Mozer
KIT Karlsruhe
15:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 27 February 2018
Introduction to EFT
Ian Lewis
University of Kansas
Introduction to EFT
Ian Lewis
University of Kansas
11:00 - 12:00
Wednesday 28 February 2018
The Standard Model EFT - tools and strategies
Ilaria Brivio
Nils Bohr Institute Kopenhagen
The Standard Model EFT - tools and strategies
Ilaria Brivio
Nils Bohr Institute Kopenhagen
11:00 - 12:00
Thursday 1 March 2018
EFT and perturbation theory
Michael Trott
Nils Bohr Institute Kopenhagen
EFT and perturbation theory
Michael Trott
Nils Bohr Institute Kopenhagen
11:00 - 12:00
Friday 2 March 2018
EFT summary
Christoph Englert
Glasgow University
EFT summary
Christoph Englert
Glasgow University
11:00 - 12:00
Saturday 3 March 2018
Sunday 4 March 2018
Monday 5 March 2018
Highlights of experimental results and open theory-related aspects concerning specific BSM searches
Luca Perozzi
ETH Zurich
Highlights of experimental results and open theory-related aspects concerning specific BSM searches
Luca Perozzi
ETH Zurich
15:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 6 March 2018
Introduction and Overview BSM
Werner Porod
University of Wurzburg
Introduction and Overview BSM
Werner Porod
University of Wurzburg
11:00 - 12:00
Wednesday 7 March 2018
Renormalization of BSM theories
Heidi Rzehak
CP3 origins
Renormalization of BSM theories
Heidi Rzehak
CP3 origins
11:00 - 12:00
Thursday 8 March 2018
Automation of NLO Calculation for BSM theories
Jean-Nicolas Lang
University of Zurich
Automation of NLO Calculation for BSM theories
Jean-Nicolas Lang
University of Zurich
11:00 - 12:00
Friday 9 March 2018
BSM Summary
Kramer Michael
RWTH Aachen
BSM Summary
Kramer Michael
RWTH Aachen
11:00 - 12:00