Edward Brown
26/01/2017, 09:00
Overview Talk
Many neutron stars are in binaries and accrete matter transferred from their companion. Often, this accretion is intermittent: the neutron star accretes rapidly for a time, and then is quiescent for a long time. In this talk, I will discuss recent efforts to constrain the core heat capacity and neutrino emissivity of matter at densities above saturation from observations of the surface...
Hidetoshi Katori
(Uni TOkyo)
26/01/2017, 09:45
Overview Talk
Optical lattice clocks [1] benefit from a low quantum-projection noise by simultaneously interrogating a large number of atoms trapped in the standing wave of light (optical lattice) tuned to the “magic frequency” that mostly cancels out the light shift perturbation in the clock transition [2]. About a thousand atoms enable such clocks to achieve 10-18 instability in a few hours of operation...
Sonia Bacca
26/01/2017, 11:00
Overview Talk
Atomic nuclei constitute the heart of matter. They drive the synthesis of chemical elements, serve as star fuel and as laboratories to test fundamental interactions and the Standard Model. Predictions of nuclear properties that start from forces among nucleons and their interactions with external probes as described by chiral effective field theory are arguably the doorway to a solid...
Stefania Ricciardi
26/01/2017, 11:30
Extended Contribution
LHCb Results on Flavour Physics