Andrej Ilner
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
We study the dynamics of the strange vector meson resonance K* in
heavy-ion collisions using the microscopic Parton-Hadron-String-Dynamics
(PHSD) transport approach with hadronic and partonic degrees-of-freedom
and dynamics hadronisation. We investigate the behaviour of the K* in the
medium by using Breit-Wigner spectral functions with self-energies based
on the G-Matrix approach. The results from PHSD are compared to data from
STAR at RHIC and ALICE at the LHC for different collisions, energies and
centralities. The analysis shows that the final K*s (which can be observed
experimentally) are produced predominantly during the hadronic phase,
dominated by inelastic kaon-pion collisions, whereas K*s from the QGP
decay and rescatter and thus are lost during the reconstruction.
Furthermore the in-medium effects are relatively small at high energies
(RHIC and LHC) as compared to lower energies (FAIR). Therefore the
influence of the in-medium effects on the K* is rather modest.
Primary author
Andrej Ilner
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
Christina Markert
(utos de Investigaci ́ on de Paterna, Ap. Correos 22085, E-46071 Valencia, SpaiThe University of Texas at Austin, Physics Department, Austin, Texas, USA)
Daniel Cabrera
(Instituto de F ́ısica Corpuscular (IFIC), Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia)
Elena Bratkovskaya