Wouter Ryssens
29/01/2016, 17:00
Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics
Short Contribution
In the light of recent experimental developments, increasing attention is devoted to nuclear phenomena related to rotational excitations of more exotic intrinsic nuclear configurations that often lack certain symmetries often present in the majority of nuclei. Examples include configurations with a non-vanishing octupole moment.
In order to describe this kind of states, we have developed a...
Lucia Leardini
(Physikalisches Institut (PI) Heidelberg)
29/01/2016, 17:20
Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics
Short Contribution
Neutral mesons, such as $\pi^{0}$ and $\eta$, are probes for the study of the energy loss of partons traversing the hot and dense medium, the Quark-Gluon Plasma, that is formed in heavy-ions collisions. Moreover, they represent the largest background for the direct photon measurement and an accurate estimate is therefore necessary to determine the decay photon contribution.
The ALICE...
Leyla Atar
(TU Darmstadt)
29/01/2016, 17:40
Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics
Short Contribution
According to the Independent Particle Model (IPM) the single particle states are fully occupied with a spectroscopic factor one. However in electron-induced proton knockout reactions a reduction of single-particle strengths has been observed to about 60-70% for stable nuclei in comparison to the IPM. This finding has confirmed by nuclear knockout reactions using stable and exotic beams...
Marco Toppi
29/01/2016, 18:00
Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics
Short Contribution
The study of the nuclear fragmentation processes occuring in the interaction of highly energetic ions in matter is of great interest both in basic research (e.g. to improve the understanding of hadronic showers development in the atmosphere) and in applied physics, in particular in cancer therapy and space radiation protection fields.
Accurate measurements of fragmentation cross sections of...
Wolfgang Trautmann
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum Darmstadt)
29/01/2016, 18:20
Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics
Short Contribution
The nuclear equation-of-state is a topic of highest current interest in nuclear structure and reactions as well as in astrophysics. In particular, the equation-of-state of asymmetric matter and the symmetry energy representing the difference between the energy densities of neutron matter and of symmetric nuclear matter are not sufficiently well constrained at present.
The density...