Series expansion approach and application to 2L mixed QCD-EW corrections to Drell-Yan


Tommaso Armadillo


The calculation of higher order corrections to physical observables is becoming essential for matching the theoretical predictions to the experimental precision at present and future colliders. One of the main bottleneck for their evaluation is the computation of the Feynman integrals appearing in the amplitude, due to the number of loops, external legs or internal masses.
In this talk I will report on recent progresses on the application of semi-analytical methods to this class of problems. In particular, I will present the Mathematica package SeaSyde. The package implements an original algorithm for performing the analytic continuation of the result, which makes it suitable for integrals with internal massive lines and with the masses being in general complex-valued.
As a non-trivial application of this technology, I will present the results for the computation of the two-loop mixed strong-electroweak virtual corrections to the charged current Drell-Yan process. I will show the details of our calculation, performed via semi-analytical methods, with an emphasis on the evaluation of all the relevant two-loop Feynman integrals where the presence of one additional mass, compared to the neutral current case, makes the computation extremely challenging. Finally, I will explain how the semi-analytical approach can be exploited to reconstruct a posteriori the W-mass dependance of the result.

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