22–26 Jan 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Nuclear structure from muonic atom spectroscopy

26 Jan 2024, 10:10
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy


Prof. Randolf Pohl (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)


In muonic atoms, a single muon replaces all of the atomic electrons, resulting in a 2-body system whose hydrogen-like theory is very well understood. The large muon mass of 200 times the electron mass results in a 200^3 = 10 million fold improved sensitivity of muonic-atom energy levels to nuclear structure. Using laser spectroscopy, we have investigated the charge radii of Z=1 and 2 (H to 4He). Next we will determine the magnetic "Zemach" radius of the proton. In the near future we will measure Z=3 to 10 (Li to Ne) by means of X-ray spectroscopy with metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMCs), a new x-ray detector technology with vastly improved energy resolution. A novel target concept allows x-ray spectroscopy of radioactive atoms. I will report on some recent measurements with a Ge detector array.

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