Stephen Lars Olsen
(Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon KOREA)
1/30/15, 10:50 AM
Elementary Particle Physics
Extended Contribution
A number of candidate multiquark, quarkonium-like mesons, i.e., mesons with underlying substructures that are more complex than the quark-antiquark prescription that is in the commonly used textbooks, have been observed in e+e- meson factory and high-energy hadron collider experiments. Many of the most recently observed candidate states are electrically charged and have the same spin and...
Dariusz Miskowiec
1/30/15, 11:30 AM
Extended Contribution
A selection of results from the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC will be presented, with emphasis on soft physics observables. New insights into the relativistic heavy-ion collision dynamics and the nature of the matter created, emerging from the analysis of the Run 1 data, will be discussed.
Torsten Dahms
(Excellence CLuster Universe TUM)
1/30/15, 12:00 PM
Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics