26–30 Jan 2015
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

ATLAS studies of spectroscopy and B-decays

28 Jan 2015, 18:20
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Short Contribution Hadron Physics Wednesday Afternoon


Dolezal Zdenek


ATLAS has a wide programme to study the production cross section and decay properties of particles with beauty, as well as charmonium and bottomonium states. This presentation will cover the latest ATLAS results, including searches for excited b-hadrons, new decay modes of b-hadrons, indirect New Physics searches in rare B-hadron decays, as well as sthe study of mixing and CP violation in the Bs system and parity violating asymmetry parameter alpha_b in Lambda_b -> Lambda J/psi decays. We will also review the results in the domain of charmonium production, including J/psi, psi(2s) and chi_c states, associated vector boson + J/psi production and search for hidden-beauty state Xb, the bottomonium counterpart of X(3876) in the Upsilon pi pi channel.

Primary author

Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University in Prague)

Presentation materials