Lena Heijkenskjöld
(Uppsala University)
Ongoing studies of the decays omega -> pi+ pi- pi0 and omega -> pi+ pi- will be presented. The data was collected by the WASA-at-COSY collaboration where the omega mesons were produced through the reaction p + d -> 3He + omega. The experiment allows for tagging of the recoil 3He and a full reconstruction of all decay particles.
The decay mechanism of the omega -> pi+ pi- pi0 channel can be studied through a two dimensional distribution, called a Dalitz plot. The aim is to produce a high-statistics Dalitz plot, which will provide stringent test of theoretical predictions and in particular will increase understanding of three pion final state interactions.
The isospin breaking omega -> pi+ pi- decay can give insight into the behaviour of the rho - omega mixing. This channel has been studied in e+ e- collisions where the interference has been conclusively shown as destructive. Only a few measurements with limited statistics exist for hadronic production of the omega meson. These measurements hint at a possible constructive interference. The aim of the present study is to investigate the structure of the omega -> pi+ pi- signal in proton deuteron collisions.
Primary author
Lena Heijkenskjöld
(Uppsala University)