11–13 Apr 2022
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

The workshop has concluded. Recordings of the talks are available at MITP’s YouTube channel.

Since its inception in 2008, Bern–Carrasco–Johansson color–kinematics (CK) duality has been the source of many developments in quantum field theory and gravity. In its essence, CK duality states that the scattering amplitudes of a gauge theory can be reorganized to have the kinematic factors appearing in the integrand numerator mirror the same algebraic properties of the color factors. One of the most impressive consequences of this duality is the double copy prescription: substituting a copy of color factors of a gauge theory amplitude for CK‐compliant kinematic factors, one obtains scattering amplitudes for gravity scattering amplitudes: CK duality and the double copy prescription have been applied to a wide range of perturbative and non‐perturbative aspects of gauge theories and gravity. Many efforts have been made to extend this formalism to the study of classical solutions and to reformulate it at the off‐shell, Lagrangian level. CK duality and double copy have stimulated researchers to inquire into the very origin of these relations, unraveling rich mathematical structures such as homotopy algebras, and seeking for a geometric understanding of these relations through string theory, ambitwistor strings, and the scattering equations. The original formulation of this paradigm has been extended to encompass a growing zoo of double‐copy‐constructible theories, and it has been generalized to the case of loop amplitudes. The perspectives on the future of CK duality and double copy are encouraging, and range from the study of ultraviolet properties in supergravity to gravitational‐wave astronomy.

The diverse nature of the many contributions to this research field has given rise to many different languages and formalisms. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers active in the various incarnations and ramifications of CK duality and double copy in an inclusive and lively scientific environment. The purpose of this workshop is twofold: to allow researchers (especially the ones at the early stages of their career) to share and popularize their recent contributions to the field, and to find a common ground to set the goals the research community should pursue in the near term. The discovery of CK duality has changed the way we look at the fundamental theories underlying nature. Thirteen years later, this paradigm still remains vibrant and fruitful. While a fundamental all‐encompassing understanding of this feature of observed reality remains elusive, the quest to understand how the many features of this duality in various formalisms are interconnected will undoubtedly foster scientific advancement.

A list of the speakers is available here.

Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University
Virtual Workshop

Organized by Laura Johnson-Engelbrecht (ETH Zurich), Hyungrok Kim (Heriot-Watt Univ.) and Tommaso Macrelli (ETH Zurich).

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