- Stefano Bianco (INFN Frascati)
Andrzej Kupsc
(Uppsala University)
25/08/2014, 09:30
Heavy Quarks & Leptons
We report a new measurement of the e+e− → π π J/ψ, π π hc, ωχ cross section, the observation of e+e− → γ X(3872), and the new observation of charged particles, Zc(3900) and Zc(4020), as well as theirs neutral particle. The results are very helpful to understand the properties XYZ states
Roberto Mussa
25/08/2014, 10:00
Heavy Quarks & Leptons
After a dozen of very lively years, the spectra of heavy quarkonia below thresholds are almost complete; the last system to be explored is the Bc meson. Since few years, most discoveries happened close to open flavor thesholds, and four quark systems have attracted interest as the new spectroscopy frontier. This review will cover the unresolved questions on conventional quarkonia, the links...
Elisabetta Prencipe
(IKP - Forschungszentrum Juelich)
25/08/2014, 11:10
Heavy Quarks & Leptons
One of the most intriguing puzzles in hadron spectroscopy are the
numerous charmonium-like states observed in the last decade, including charged states that are
manifestly exotic.
Over the years BaBar has extensively studied these states in B meson decays,
initial state radiation processes and two photon reactions. We report new and additional
studies on some of these states performed...
Pavel Řezníček
(Charles University Prague)
25/08/2014, 11:40
Heavy Quarks & Leptons
The production of Bc-meson has been studied by ATLAS in several exclusive channels containing a J/psi. We present results on its spectroscopy and the measurement of the B_c->J/psiD(*) decay branching ratio, including relative contribution of the different helicity amplitudes.
Peter Weidenkaff
(Mainz University)
25/08/2014, 12:10
Heavy Quarks & Leptons
We perform an analysis of the D+ -> Ks pi+ pi0 Dalitz plot. The Dalitz plot is found to be well-represented by a combination of six quasi-two-body decay channels (Ks rho, Ks rho(1450), K*0bar pi+, K*0(1430)bar pi+, K(1680)bar pi+ and kapa0bar pi+) plus a small non-resonant component. Using the fractions from this analysis, partial branching ratios are updated with higher precision than...