EunSeok Hwang
(Soongsil University)
We investigate the electron screening effect on the stellar nucleosynthesis. The dense electron gases in the stellar environments screen the Coulomb interaction between reacting nuclei. In particular, the role of screening effects becomes important in the massive star since it consists of dense ions. In addition, most stellar objects have a magnetic field, which affects the electric screening potential for nuclear reactions. In this presentation, by using the Poisson-Boltzmann equation with the magnetic field, we show nuclear abundances synthesized in the massive star. We also discuss the possibility whether the distribution of ions in the screening effect can be changed by the kinetic theory.
Topic | Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics |
Primary author
EunSeok Hwang
(Soongsil University)
Myung-Ki Cheoun
(Soongsil University)