Tuesday Morning Session
- Wolfgang Kuehn (JLU Giessen)
Dean Lee
(Michigan State University)
1/22/19, 9:45 AM
Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics
Overview Talk
Recent developments in nuclear structure theory.
Randolf Pohl
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
1/22/19, 11:00 AM
Short Contribution
For more than eight years now, the "proton radius puzzle" has let us dream
about new physics: Our measurements of muonic hydrogen and muonic deuterium,
performed in the CREMA Collabroation at PSI, yielded a proton radius which is
more than five standard deviations smaller than the CODATA world average from
measurements using electrons, namely precision spectroscopy of atomic hydrogen
Francesca Bellini
1/22/19, 12:00 PM
The observation of anti-deuteron and anti-helium in cosmic rays has been suggested as a
smoking gun in indirect searches for Dark Matter in the Galaxy, under the hypothesis that the
background from secondary astrophysical production is negligible. Constraining predictions for
the secondary cosmic-ray flux of anti-helium and anti-deuteron with data is therefore crucial to
the experimental...