Jan 21 – 25, 2019
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Cascading decays of nucleon resonances via meson-pair emission?

Jan 21, 2019, 5:18 PM
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Poster Hadron Physics Monday Afternoon Session


Dr Mariana Nanova (II. Pays. Institut, University of Giessen, Giessen, Germany)


Photoproduction of mesons provides important information about the ex- citation spectrum of the nucleon that is still not suciently understood despite various long-lasting experimental and theoretical eorts [1]. Reac- tions with multiple-meson nal states are important, in particular 0 since the acts as an isospin lter and provides information on the nature of the intermediate resonances. Particular attention has been paid to the recently claimed narrow structure observed at 1685 MeV in the N channel [2]. We have studied the two-meson photoproduction with the CB/TAPS detector system at the ELSA accelerator in Bonn in the reaction p! p0. High statistics have been obtained in irradiating a liquid hydrogen target with photon beams in the incident energy range from 0.9 to 3.0 GeV. A kine- matic t has been used in the reconstruction and identication of the exit channels. Preliminary results on the search for the narrow structure at 1685 MeV will be presented. [1] V. Crede and W. Roberts, Rep. Prog. Phys. 76 (2013) 076301 [2] V. Kuznetsov et al., JETP Letters 106 (2017) 693 *Funded by DFG(SFB/TR-16)


Photoproduction of mesons provides important information about the ex-
citation spectrum of the nucleon that is still not suciently understood
despite various long-lasting experimental and theoretical eorts [1]. Reac-
tions with multiple-meson nal states are important, in particular 0 since
the acts as an isospin lter and provides information on the nature of the
intermediate resonances. Particular attention has been paid to the recently
claimed narrow structure observed at 1685 MeV in the N channel [2]. We
have studied the two-meson photoproduction with the CB/TAPS detector
system at the ELSA accelerator in Bonn in the reaction
p! p0. High
statistics have been obtained in irradiating a liquid hydrogen target with
photon beams in the incident energy range from 0.9 to 3.0 GeV. A kine-
matic t has been used in the reconstruction and identication of the exit
channels. Preliminary results on the search for the narrow structure at 1685
MeV will be presented.
[1] V. Crede and W. Roberts, Rep. Prog. Phys. 76 (2013) 076301
[2] V. Kuznetsov et al., JETP Letters 106 (2017) 693
*Funded by DFG(SFB/TR-16)

Primary author

Dr Mariana Nanova (II. Pays. Institut, University of Giessen, Giessen, Germany)

Presentation materials