(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
With the recently emerging global interest in building a next generation of circular electron–positron colliders to study the properties of the Higgs boson, and other important topics in particle physics at ultra-high beam energies, it is also important to pursue the possibility of implementing polarized beams at this energy scale. It is therefore necessary to set up simulation tools to...
Wolfgang Hillert
(University of Bonn, Physics InstituTe, ELSA)
- functional principle
- measurement of the integral asymmetry or the
shift of the center of the photon distribution
- analyzing power for both methods
- achievable resolution, requirements on the detector
- photon detection using a counting silicon strip detector
- first results
Kurt Aulenbacher
(Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Mainz)
Several multi turn ERL facilities are under construction or are in the design phase. These upcoming small scale machines can be considered as forerunners for spin-polarized electron - nucleon colliders. The ERL designs for Cornell , CERN and Mainz/MESA are introduced and the extrapolation to future large scale colliders will be discussed.
Paolo Lenisa
(University of Ferrara and INFN)
The presentation will address the potentialities and technical requirements related to the introduction of a polarised internal target a-la HERMES (DESY) in the LHC and FCC rings.
Vadim Ptitsyn
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Michael Koratzinos
(University of Geneva)
Wolfgang Hillert
(University of Bonn, Physics InstituTe, ELSA)
- functional principle
- relativistic Stern-Gerlach force
- analytical formulas for the analyzing power using pill-box cavities
- expected signal power
- layout of a pop experiment and further applications