Classical black-hole scattering from worldline quantum field theory at highest precision

13 Nov 2024, 09:30


Jan Plefka


Predicting the outcome of scattering processes of elementary particles in colliders is the central
achievement of relativistic quantum field theory applied to the fundamental (non-gravitational)
interactions of nature. While the gravitational interactions are too minuscule to be observed
in the microcosm, they dominate the interactions at large scales. As such the inspiral and merger of
black holes and neutron stars in our universe are now routinely observed by gravitational wave
detectors. The need for high precision theory predictions of the emitted gravitational waveforms
has opened a new window for the application of perturbative quantum field theory techniques to the domain
of gravity. In my talk I will review the worldline quantum field theory formalism that presents a highly
efficient means to compute scattering observables up to very high orders in the post-Minkowskian expansion,
the present state of the art being at the 5PM order. If time permits I will also discuss the inclusion of
Spin through a supersymmetric particle formalism.

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