Systematically evaluate cosmological correlators by IBP and differential equations


Jiaqi Chen


We generalize the Integration-By-Parts (IBP) and IBP-based differential equations method to general cosmological correlator, including massive correlator and time-derivative interactions cases, and find the factorization property from the perspective of IBP. By our selection of master integrals, we find uniform formulas for iterative reduction and dlog-form differential equations of arbitrary tree-level cosmological correlators. Solving the dlog-form differential equations by power series expansion, using blow-up of differential equations and the factorization property, we get the homogeneous part solutions of arbitrary tree-level cosmological correlators. We will also provide an example of solving a non-homogeneous solution, which is straightforward as well. Finally, we will discuss the possibility of applying these techniques in multi-loop calculation in flat QFT.

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