Talk (COMP): Computational Tools and Methods in EFTs
- Marko Pesut (University of Zürich)
Talk (COMP): Computational Tools and Methods in EFTs
- Marko Pesut (University of Zürich)
Talk (COMP): Computational Tools and Methods in EFTs
- Marko Pesut (University of Zürich)
Talk (COMP): Computational Tools and Methods in EFTs
- Marko Pesut (University of Zürich)
We present results from a global fit of dimension-six SMEFT operators that includes electroweak, Higgs-boson, and top-quark observables. The leading-order scale dependence of the SMEFT Wilson coefficients is consistently included in the evolution from the UV scale to the scale of the observables. In defining the SMEFT set of active operators we consider both the $U(3)^5$ and the...
We elaborate on the application of on shell and unitarity-based methods for evaluating renormalization group coefficients, and generalize this framework to account for the mixing of operators with different dimensions and leading mass effects. We derive a master formula for anomalous dimensions stemming from the general structure of operator mixings, up to two-loop order, and show how the...
The interpretation of hadron collider, such as the LHC, data, and the assessment of possible hints of new physics, require the precise knowledge of the proton structure in terms of parton distribution functions (PDFs). In this talk, I present a systematic methodology designed to determine whether and how global PDF fits might inadvertently 'fit away' signs of new physics in the high-energy...
Functional Methods have emerge as a crucial tool for the automation of computations in quantum field theory, particularly in the renormalization and running of theories. On top of that, these techniques can be applied to the world of EFTs through the process of matching. So far this idea has been applied up to one loop. I present a systematic procedure for going beyond, considering both...
We propose an efficient method to perform on-shell matching calculations in effective field theories. The standard off-shell approach to matching requires the use of a Green's basis that includes redundant and evanescent operators. However, on-shell matching allows to perform the matching directly to the physical basis. Our proposal is based on a numerical solution of the corresponding...
The notion of Evanescent operators and their formulation in terms of one-loop Fierz transformations will be introduced. To illustrate the usefulness of this approach several examples will be discussed, including scheme factorization. Comments on Evanescence free renormalization schemes will conclude the talk.
Numerical simulations of the Cauchy problem for self-interacting massive vector fields often face instabilities and apparent pathologies. We explicitly demonstrate that these issues, previously reported in the literature, are actually due to the breakdown of the well-posedness of the initial-value problem. This is akin to shortcomings observed in scalar-tensor theories when derivative...