25–29 Aug 2014
Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Measurement of the semileptonic decays D0 -> K- e+ nu and D0 -> pi0 e+ nu with BES III

25 Aug 2014, 16:05
Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz, Germany

Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz, Germany

Heavy Quarks & Leptons CKM


Daniel Cronin-Hennessy (Minnesota University)


Based on the psi(3770) -> DDbar data accumulated at the BESIII experiment, we present studies of D0 -> K- e+ nu and D0 -> pi0 e+ nu decays which include preliminary results of B(D0 -> K- e+ nu) , B(D0 -> pi- e+ nu), as well as the partial decay rates of these decays in q^2 bins. The measured partial decay rates, in return, allow us to determine different parameterizations of the form factors. We also report a measurement of B(D+ -> mu+ nu_mu) which allows us to extract a product of the D+ decay constant and a CKM matrix element, f_D+ * |Vcd|.

Primary author

Haiping Peng (UST China)

Presentation materials