20–24 Jan 2020
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

The PADME experiment

21 Jan 2020, 18:00
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Short Contribution Tuesday Afternoon


Isabella Oceano (Università del Salento, INFN sezione Lecce )


The new experiment PADME is located in the Beam Test Facility of the INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati and its main goal its to search for a light boson A′ (usually called dark photon) associated to a broken U(1) gauge symmetry holding in a secluded sector and acting as a portal between the visible and the dark sector.
PADME has collected a first set of commissioning data in 2018/2019 which are used to establish its performance, to refine the reconstruction algorithms and to tune the simulation software by using standard model processes.
The main physics processes are positron-electron annihilation in two photons and the positron bremsstrahlung. The first process can be reconstructed from events with two back-to-back photons in time inside the main electromagnetic calorimeter acceptance, and the second process with a photon, inside the small-angle calorimeter, in time with a positron hitting the positron veto after bending in a dipole magnetic field. A crucial outcome of these studies is to establish the beam induced background not predicted by the experiment simulations for example due to the beam non-gaussian tails hitting the transport line or the target support structure.

Topic Particle Physics

Primary author

Isabella Oceano (Università del Salento, INFN sezione Lecce )

Presentation materials