20–24 Jan 2020
Bormio, Italy
Europe/Berlin timezone

Recent results on XYZ states with the BESIII experiment

23 Jan 2020, 18:40
Bormio, Italy

Bormio, Italy

Overview Talk Thursday Afternoon


Dr Nils Hüsken (Uni-Muenster)


In recent years, interest in charmonium spectroscopy has been renewed by

the unexpected discovery of multiple states that seemingly do not fit a conventional

charmonium (ccbar) assigment, the so-called XYZ states. Although there are strong

indications that these states are in fact exotic, there is no consensus on their

exact nature. Therefore, it is of high importance to gather as much information

as possible on the production and decays of the XYZ states.

The BESIII experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII)

collected large dataset in the energy range 4.0 GeV- 4.60 GeV

dedicated to the study of these potentially exotic states in the charm

sector. Vector states, like the Y(4260), can be directly produced in e+e- annihilation

at BESIII; whereas other exotic candidates like the X(3872) and

the Zc(3900) are produced through processes of the type e+e- ->gamma X(3872)

and e+e- ->pi Zc(3900), respectively. Consequently, BESIII is in a unique

position to perform detailed studies on exotic hadrons in the charm


An overview of recent highlights of the BESIII program on XYZ states

will be given as well as an outlook on future perspectives with an upgraded

BEPCII allowing for higher center-of-mass energies.

Topic Hadron Physics

Primary author

Dr Nils Hüsken (Uni-Muenster)

Presentation materials