Fundamental research and theory
- Gudrid Moortgat-Pick (University of hamburg/DESY)
Bremsstrahlung polarization correlations and their application for polarimetry of electron beams
Stanislav Tashenov
(Physikalisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg)
12/02/2014, 17:00
The angular distribution and linear polarization of bremsstrahlung photons is highly sensitive to the spin of the electrons in relativistic electron-atom collisions. While the former effect was well known, the latter one was observed only in the recent years. We report two experimental studies of linear photon polarization with spin-polarised electron beams at 100 keV and 2 MeV. In these...
Doris Jakubassa-Amundsen
(Mathematics Institute, University of Munich)
12/02/2014, 17:30
The polarization correlations between the incident electron and an emitted bremssstrahlung photon as classified by Tseng and Pratt are extended into the high-energy regime where nuclear structure effects play a dominant role. While electron scattering from spin-zero nuclei is mostly governed by the finite-nuclear-size effects, nuclear bremsstrahlung and magnetic effects come into play when the...
Desmond Barber
12/02/2014, 18:15
The attainable equilibrium polarisation in electron/positron storage rings depends on a balance between polarisation build-up due to the Sokolov-Ternov effect and depolarisation resulting from the stochastic nature of the emission of photons in the synchrotron radiation. The rate of depolarisation rises faster with energy than the rate of polarisation, with the ratio scaling at least like the...