Spin Optimization: Produktion
- Kurt Aulenbacher (Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Mainz)
Andriy Ushakov
(University of Hamburg)
13/02/2014, 09:30
The base-line positron source of the future International Linear Collider (ILC) is polarized and designed for an operation with electron drive beam energies between 150 GeV and 250 GeV (corresponding to 300 GeV up to 500 GeV CM energies). However, running at CM energies below 300 GeV reduces the positron yield substantially; running at Ecm = 1 TeV implies a low degree of positron...
Mei Bai
(Brookhaven National Lab)
13/02/2014, 10:00
Talk - 30 min
The discovery of Higgs has inspired the idea of dedicated higgs factory of high energy electron-‐positron collisions. Polarization can benefit the physics program not only as an efficient energy calibration, but lso suppress background signals. The experience from high energy electron beams at HERA and LEP has been encouraging, yet also exhibits the great difficulty. The aspect of reaching...