Spin-Optimization: Realization
- Jenny List
Friedrich Staufenbiel
(DESY Zeuthen)
13/02/2014, 14:00
An intense polarized positron beam for future linear colliders can be produced using a high power beam of circularly polarized photons which penetrates a thin titanium-alloy target. The degree of polarization can be increased by cutting the outer part of the photon beam generated in a helical undulator using a collimator in front of the target. However, the photon beam induces substantial heat...
Matthias Molitor
(Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
13/02/2014, 14:30
Talk - 30 min
The new Mainzer Energy recovering Superconduting Accelerator (MESA) will be used for high precision measurement of the Weinberg angle at low Q². In order to be able to measure as precise as desired, the polarisation of the incident electron beam has be know with very low uncertainty.
Therefore a Double Scattering Polarimeter (DSP) will be installed at MESA at low energies. In my talk I will...